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Child Development in Turkey

Child Development in Turkey is offered in both public and private universities.

The Child Development specialization in Turkey is one of the programs offered by both public and private Turkish universities. It receives significant annual interest from students, especially those who love children.

In our article, you will find everything you need to know about this specialization, starting with an overview of it, its requirements, its cost, and the most important universities that offer it, and extending to the key skills that a student wishing to study Child Development must possess. We will conclude our article by outlining the advantages of studying this specialization.

Skyline Education wishes you an enjoyable reading experience.

An Overview of the Child Development Specialization in Turkey:

This specialization teaches students to monitor the physiological, biological, and cognitive changes of a child from birth through adolescence, in addition to helping the child learn and overcome any challenges they face, and developing their self-awareness, consciousness, and understanding of others' feelings.

Years of Study:

The duration of the Child Development program in Turkey is 4 years to obtain a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Health Sciences at universities, or 2 years if studied at a vocational institute, with the possibility of an additional preparatory year for language if the student does not master the language of instruction.

Language of Instruction:

Students can study this specialization in Turkey in either English or Turkish, depending on the university they choose and the language they are proficient in.

Specialization Branches:

The Child Development specialization includes branches such as Psychology, Sociology, Educational and Health Sciences, and Foundations of Teaching.

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What Courses Are Included in This Specialization?

Some of the courses for the Child Development program in Turkey vary from one university to another, but they all share some basic subjects, which are:

  • First Year: Includes a course on Introduction to Child Development and Education, Psychology, Social Responsibility and Ethics, Information Technology, and basic information about the human body and organ functions.
  • Second Year: Includes a course on Introduction to Special Education, Children's Literature, Development in the Pre-School Period, Cognitive Development and Language Enhancement, Physical Growth and Motor Development, Maternal and Child Nutrition, First Aid, Art and Creativity in Children, Social Development, the Natural Development of the Nervous System, the Development of Play Concepts in Children, and Development during Adolescence.
  • Third Year: Includes a course on Early Childhood Education, Early Intervention, Neurological Disorders and Sensory Integration, Developmental Psychology, Sociology, Teaching Mathematics at the Childhood Stage, Physical Activity and Sports, and Epidemiology.
  • Fourth Year: Includes a course on Early Childhood Education Curricula, Family Counseling, Body Language, Values in Early Childhood Education, Monitoring and Evaluating Development, Communication with Children, Professional Ethics, and Learning Disabilities.

What Are the Requirements for Studying the Child Development Specialization in Turkey?

Studying this specialization at Turkish universities requires meeting a set of conditions, which are:

  • A valid passport translated into Turkish or English.
  • A high school diploma, also translated into Turkish or English.
  • A translated and certified high school transcript.
  • Successful performance in the Turkish YÖS aptitude test, or the American SAT aptitude test, or completion of a preparatory year to master the language of instruction.

As for the admission grades at Turkish public universities, they vary annually, so we advise you to contact us to know the required grade for the university in which you wish to study. As for private universities, they do not require high grades and only demand a high school diploma with a minimum of 50%.

What Is the Cost of Studying This Specialization in Turkish Universities?

The cost of studying the Child Development specialization in Turkey varies from one university to another. However, here is an overview of the cost of studying this specialization at some Turkish universities:

  • İstinye University: The Faculty of Health Sciences offers this specialization in Turkish at a cost of approximately 4104 US dollars.
  • Istanbul Okan University: The Faculty of Health Sciences offers this specialization in Turkish at a cost of approximately 4000 US dollars.
  • Istanbul Gelisim University: The Faculty of Health Sciences offers this specialization in English at a cost of approximately 3487 US dollars.
  • Biruni University: The Faculty of Health Sciences offers this specialization in Turkish at a cost of approximately 1980 US dollars.
  • Istanbul Bilgi University: The Faculty of Health Sciences offers this specialization in English at a cost of approximately 6600 US dollars.

As for studying a diploma in Child Development at a vocational institute, the cost typically ranges between 2500 and 4000 US dollars.

What Are the Job Fields for Graduates of the Child Development Specialization?

Graduating from the Child Development specialization in Turkey opens the door to a variety of job opportunities, such as:

  • Working in the education sector.
  • Working as a consultant for dealing with children and adolescents.
  • Positions in care centers.
  • Youth centers.
  • In private or public hospitals.
  • Family health centers.
  • Working in universities.
  • In counseling and research centers.
  • Protection and rehabilitation centers.
  • Working in human resources in large companies.

In addition to many other opportunities such as providing in-home childcare, working in orphanages, international organizations, family research institutions, managing disabled individuals, and within the State Planning Organization.

The average salary ranges from 3000 US dollars to 8000 US dollars per year.

What Are the Most Important Skills a Student Should Possess?

Before choosing to study Child Development in Turkey, a student must possess a set of skills, the most important of which are:

  • The ability to interact with children.
  • The ability to provide the care that children need.
  • Careful monitoring and formulation of therapeutic plans.
  • The ability to connect with a child and help them overcome difficult obstacles.

What Are the Advantages of Studying the Child Development Specialization in Turkey?

Turkey attracts thousands of foreign students every year to its public and private universities by offering numerous advantages, including:

  • Turkish universities possess highly qualified teaching staff that aligns with the strength of the educational curriculum taught over the four-year program.
  • They offer practical training opportunities in various institutions, enabling students to enter the job market powerfully upon graduation.
  • Some Turkish universities have received awards from the United Nations for their excellence, such as the United Nations Global Education Award, which gives Turkish university degrees global weight.
  • Many universities offer student exchange programs in European countries, providing additional experience and openness.
  • Foreign students in Turkey enjoy many benefits provided by the Turkish government, including receiving a student card that significantly reduces expenses such as public transportation and entry fees to recreational facilities.
  • Regarding job opportunities for Child Development specialists, they are plentiful in Turkey and come with attractive salaries.
  • Tuition fees for this specialization in Turkish universities are low compared to similar programs in Europe, America, and Canada.

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This concludes the Skyline Education article on the Child Development specialization in Turkey, where we have covered all related information—from its nature, requirements, and costs to the advantages of studying it.